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Image Section

Source Image


   X     Y 
   W     H 
   first index 
last index 

Work Image

Workbench Section

lock color 0 

Zoom     Color Cycle: show:    grab: 

Export Section

Grabbed Frames

PSX Export

Bitplane Export

 (classic raw bitplane data) Export as Degas pi1    bpl 1     bpl 2     bpl 3     bpl 4     bpl 5     Interleave     bpl 1     bpl 2     bpl 3     bpl 4 

 (12 bit RGB stored on 16 bits per pix)

 (4 bits per pix palette index, so 1 byte is 2 pix, 16 colors max)

 (8 bits per pix palette index)

 (8 bits per pix palette index: 0..15 * 4. Used for Atari C2P. Take colors (between 0 and 15), and multiply by 4)

Palette Export

export as:  save to:

Include color count 

Sprite Export

export as:  save to:

name prefix     height     count 
include header words   (will add the 2 control words needed for DMA use at the begining of the sprite data)
include stop words   (will add 2 empty words at the end of the sprite data to stop the DMA)
include palette 
   screen X     screen Y     HSTART ofs     VSTART ofs  skip empty 

Bob Export

export as:  save to:

name prefix     width     height     count 

include palette     interleave bitplanes     skip empty